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Showing posts from June, 2015


Hello,  I am back after two months off for maternity leave. New look, new spirit and new motivation even though I have a lot of problem to faces and in shaa ALLAH gonna settle it one by one after this. Wish me manage to get through all of this with HIM blessing and arrangement.  Btw, I ada banyak sangat cerita #throwback yang nak ditulis nanti. Cerita mengenai hujung-hujung usia kandungan, bersalin, berpantang, breastfeeding & many more. Hopefully semuanya masih segar lagi dalam ingatan walaupun cerita lama & basi. Excited until confused which part to start. Which story to begin and which one should I write here first. But one thing I realized that I enjoy every moment I had. From handling baby including feeding, bathing, dodoikan baby utk tidur and macam-macam lagi.  Paling seronok sekarang beli barangan-barangan baby sampai I  x sedar I dah spend almost 5K for baby stuff in two months. Duduk rumah google-googling semua yang orang kata bagus...