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Showing posts from July, 2015


Assalamualaikum, Previous post I promised untuk share my experience sepanjang mengandung & bergelar mommy but I too busy with my life since macam-macam happened currently. Sangat banyak even sampai melibatkan my marriage, so sangat messy & almost lost my mood for life. Until now pun still hilang mood nak update macam mana but I need to update juga because my intention joined this blogger world untuk satu hari nanti my next generasi boleh baca apa yang I tulis, apa yang I rasa about life, what is the best things happen in my life semua I nak my family tahu eventhought  for now blog ini adalah rahsia. But not to forgot, now is Syawal month wheres semua umat Islam celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri but sadly my Hari Raya not went like how I imaging because something happen to me between family, personal problem and many more. Comparing to all Hari Raya I had celebrated before this year is the worst. Nak cerita pun malas but I already clarify with my husband that I won...